Laith Darras

Laith Darras

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Turning ideas into digital solutions with innovation and passion

Welcome to my portfolio! I am an undergraduate at UC Merced studying Computer Science & Engineering. Aspiring Cybersecurity Engineer/Software Engineer. Alongside my degree, I love to take courses specifically on Cybersecurity. I have taken CodePath's Intro to Cybersecurity course and currently taking their Advanced Cybersecurity course.


September 2022 - November 2022

Data Analyst Intern at Businessolver

Under the guidance of Jainik Majmudar , I embarked on a data-driven journey. Leveraging Python's data-processing prowess, I visually deciphered a Customer Support Twitter Dataset, extracting meaningful insights. My analysis brought forth trends and patterns, empowering data-driven decisions. The outcome? A dynamic dashboard, meticulously crafted to effectively showcase this information, ensuring invaluable support for informed organizational choices.

March 2021 - September 2021

Coding Instructor Intern at SiliconValley4u

I collaborated closely with fellow instructors to develop engaging lesson plans that included interactive review activities, hands-on coding challenges, and regular quizzes. These materials were carefully crafted for remote learning, ensuring students' sustained engagement and progress. Taking on the role of evaluator, I assessed the work of a group of 15 elementary students located in Ethiopia. Through this process, I gained valuable insights into their learning journey and provided thoughtful recommendations to support their advancement. As a direct result of these efforts, students achieved the remarkable ability to independently create and program projects using Scratch and Python, even without prior experience in these languages

August 2023 - Present

Cybersecurity Co-Lead (SIG Cybersecurity) at ACM at UC Merced



Wordle: Experience the engaging challenge of Wordle, a C++ game blending vocabulary skills and dynamic design principles.

Dive into the captivating world of words with my C++ Wordle project, designed with a focus on object-oriented principles. Experience the thrill of guessing words while benefiting from dynamic visual feedback, responsive game statistics, and randomized word selection for an enriched user experience. Through meticulous testing and debugging, I've ensured the game's seamless functionality and resolved any potential issues. Employing Git for version control has allowed me to meticulously document changes and maintain a comprehensive development history. Embark on this linguistic journey and challenge your vocabulary skills in a meticulously crafted and thoroughly tested environment.

Herb n' Healer Website Redesign

Through Webflow, I revamped the company's online presence, resulting in an 80% viewership surge within a month post-launch. Guiding a tight-knit team of 4, I orchestrated synchronized efforts, leveraging weekly meetings to streamline our redesign journey. My strategic touch extended to enhancing design, user-centric functionalities, and overall customer engagement—a contribution that fueled a remarkable 60% uptick in acquisition and interaction within the first month following the website's transformation

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